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India’s Top Oil Producer ONGC Plans $11 Billion Spending on Green Energy
Indian state-held Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), the biggest oil and gas producer in the country, plans to invest as much as $11.5 billion (1 trillion Indian rupees) in clean energy by 2030, a top ONGC executive told Bloomberg in an interview published on Wednesday. ONGC, the biggest oil and gas explorer and the company producing about 70% of all of India’s oil and gas, plans to have a portfolio of renewable energy of 10 gigawatts (GW) by 2030, ONGC’s director of finance, Vivek Chandrakant Tongaonkar, told Bloomberg.…
Categories: Oil news
¡Sigue el escándalo! USAID financió a La Patilla, Efecto Cocuyo, El Pitazo, VPI y EVTV para generar falsas matrices contra Venezuela
La Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) destinó miles de millones de dólares durante más de dos décadas para financiar a medios digitales y organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) en Venezuela, con el objetivo de generar matrices de opinión contra el gobierno ...
Categories: Venezuelan news
Oil Prices Drop As EIA Shows Crude Inventories Continue to Climb
Crude oil inventories in the United States saw a build of 4.1 million barrels during the week ending February 7, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Crude oil prices were trending lower today prior to the crude data release by the U.S. Energy Information Administration after the American Petroleum Institute (API) reported on Tuesday a huge build of 9.043 million barrels in U.S. crude oil inventories. Both the Brent and WTI benchmarks were trading down more than 1%, at $75.93 and $72.15, respectively at 10:16 am, just minutes…
Categories: Oil news
Invitan al Foro “Venezuela después del 10 de enero”, en la UCV
Caracas, 10 de febrero de 2025 - En el marco de la semana del sociólogo y el antropólogo, la escuela de Sociología de la Universidad Central de Venezuela invita a un foro de análisis sobre la situación sociopolítica en Venezuela, luego de la reciente toma de posesión presidencial del 10 de ene...
Categories: Venezuelan news
India Reshuffles Trade Supply Chain to Buy Unsanctioned Russian Oil
Indian refiners are reshuffling and reconfiguring the oil traders, insurers, and vessel owners with which they work in a bid to continue receiving the cheaper Russian oil without risking violating the latest U.S. sanctions on Russia’s oil exports, anonymous executives directly involved in the trade told Bloomberg. India has been scrambling for supply and for ways to get Russian oil from entities that are not blacklisted by the U.S. Administration, following the January 10 U.S. sanctions on dozens of tankers hauling Russian crude to Asia,…
Categories: Oil news
India Reshuffles Trade Supply Chain to Buy Unsanctioned Russian Oil
Indian refiners are reshuffling and reconfiguring the oil traders, insurers, and vessel owners with which they work in a bid to continue receiving the cheaper Russian oil without risking violating the latest U.S. sanctions on Russia’s oil exports, anonymous executives directly involved in the trade told Bloomberg. India has been scrambling for supply and for ways to get Russian oil from entities that are not blacklisted by the U.S. Administration, following the January 10 U.S. sanctions on dozens of tankers hauling Russian crude to Asia,…
Categories: Oil news
India Reshuffles Trade Supply Chain to Buy Unsanctioned Russian Oil
Indian refiners are reshuffling and reconfiguring the oil traders, insurers, and vessel owners with which they work in a bid to continue receiving the cheaper Russian oil without risking violating the latest U.S. sanctions on Russia’s oil exports, anonymous executives directly involved in the trade told Bloomberg. India has been scrambling for supply and for ways to get Russian oil from entities that are not blacklisted by the U.S. Administration, following the January 10 U.S. sanctions on dozens of tankers hauling Russian crude to Asia,…
Categories: Oil news
Migrantes haitianos denuncian desgarradoras historias de abuso en República Dominicana
Una multitud de aproximadamente 500 personas descendió de camiones polvorientos‚ arrastrando los pies por un pequeño espacio en una puerta fronteriza que separa Haití de la República Dominicana. Fueron los primeros deportados del día, algunos todavía vestidos con ropa de trabajo y otros ...
Categories: Venezuelan news
Azerbaijan Maximizes Gas Production to Meet EU Supply Commitments
A new US Department of Energy survey provides updated data on oil & natural gas production in the CaspianBasin. It shows that four regional states – Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan – collectively account for 3 percent of global energy production. The Regional Analysis Brief: Caspian Sea additionally provides an overview of regional coal production, power generation and energy export routes, as well as a breakdown of regional refinery operations. Azerbaijan possesses oil reserves in 2025 of about 7 billion barrels…
Categories: Oil news
Comuna Agua de Obispo: Un modelo agrícola innovador en el estado Lara
La comuna Agua de Obispo, ubicada en el municipio Torres del estado Lara, emergió como un destacado referente de innovación y eficiencia en la agricultura nacional, con el esfuerzo colectivo y el trabajo comunitario.
En mayo de 2024, el Consejo Federal de Gobierno, en articulación c...
Categories: Venezuelan news
Russia Claims to Be Fully Compliant with OPEC+ Output Quota
Russia is fully complying with its oil production quota under the OPEC+ output deal in January and February, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Wednesday. Moscow classified oil and gas production and export data after the invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions and embargoes that the West imposed on Russian oil in an effort to reduce Putin’s revenues. OPEC, the larger OPEC+ group that includes Russia, and market analysts and watchers are relying on estimates from independent sources and vessel-tracking data to monitor and…
Categories: Oil news
Russia Claims to Be Fully Compliant with OPEC+ Output Quota
Russia is fully complying with its oil production quota under the OPEC+ output deal in January and February, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Wednesday. Moscow classified oil and gas production and export data after the invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions and embargoes that the West imposed on Russian oil in an effort to reduce Putin’s revenues. OPEC, the larger OPEC+ group that includes Russia, and market analysts and watchers are relying on estimates from independent sources and vessel-tracking data to monitor and…
Categories: Oil news
Russia Claims to Be Fully Compliant with OPEC+ Output Quota
Russia is fully complying with its oil production quota under the OPEC+ output deal in January and February, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Wednesday. Moscow classified oil and gas production and export data after the invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions and embargoes that the West imposed on Russian oil in an effort to reduce Putin’s revenues. OPEC, the larger OPEC+ group that includes Russia, and market analysts and watchers are relying on estimates from independent sources and vessel-tracking data to monitor and…
Categories: Oil news
(VIDEO) Ecuador: Empate técnico en elecciones, pros y contras
Esta contienda se desarrolla en un contexto crítico, caracterizado por la violencia del crimen organizado que ha afectado gravemente al país.
Los candidatos a la presidencia ecuatoriana por Revolución Ciudadana, Luisa González y por el movimiento Acción Democrática Nacional (A...
Categories: Venezuelan news
Trump firma un decreto que le otorga más poder a Elon Musk
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, firmó este martes una orden ejecutiva para reducir “significativamente” la plantilla de la Administración pública y otorgar más poder al nuevo Departamento de Eficiencia Gubernamental (DOGE, en inglés), que está bajo la supervisión de ...
Categories: Venezuelan news
Revelan que ONG Cedice asociada a Yon Goicoechea recibió millones de dólares por parte de la USAID
La Organización No Gubernamental (ONG) Cedice, asociada al político venezolano Yon Goicoechea, recibió millones de dólares pertenecientes a los fondos destinados por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) para presunta ayuda humanitaria a venezolanos en el ex...
Categories: Venezuelan news
Periodista acusa a Ucrania de vender armas a los cárteles mexicanos
El periodista Tucker Carlson acusó directamente a Ucrania de revender armas provenientes de los Estados Unidos a los cárteles de la droga. Esta revelación la dio a conocer en la emisión más reciente de su programa en internet llamado
Categories: Venezuelan news
Refinerías de EEUU rechazan petróleo mexicano porque trae ‘exceso de agua’
Refinerías de petróleo de Estados Unidos a lo largo de la costa del Golfo han rechazado los envíos de México y en su lugar recurren a Colombia y Canadá, en medio de quejas d...
Categories: Venezuelan news
(AUDIO) INAMEH pronostica estabilidad atmosférica en gran parte del país
El Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (Inameh) informó que, para este miércoles 12 de febrero, prevalecerá cielo con condiciones estables en gran parte del territorio nacional.
Categories: Venezuelan news
INAMEH pronostica estabilidad atmosférica en gran parte del país
El Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (Inameh) informó que, para este miércoles 12 de febrero, prevalecerá cielo con condiciones estables en gran parte del territorio nacional.
Categories: Venezuelan news