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Poder Judicial de Perú revisará prisión preventiva de Pedro Castillo

Apporea noticias - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 18:02
El Poder Judicial de Perú informó que llevará a cabo una revisión de la prisión preventiva que actualmente pesa sobre el expresidente Pedro Castillo y el exministro de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento, Geiner Alvarado, informó en un mensaje en su cuenta en la red social. «...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Oil Slides as EIA Confirms Large Crude Inventory Build

Oil news - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 17:39
Crude oil prices moved lower today after the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported an inventory increase of 5.8 million barrels for the week to October 4. The change in inventory levels compared with a build of 3.9 million barrels for the previous week. It also follows an estimated inventory increase of a sizable 10.9 million barrels, as reported by the American Petroleum Institute on Tuesday. The build estimate pressured oil prices which were already wobbly after traders’ expectations of further Chinese stimulus got betrayed by…
Categories: Oil news

Presidente turco arremete contra Israel y su primer ministro

Apporea noticias - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 17:19
El presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, calificó hoy a Israel de "organización terrorista sionista", y al primer ministro Benjamin Netanyahu como un monstruo responsable de decenas de miles de víctimas civiles. Israel (…) ha cometido el mayor genocidio del último...
Categories: Venezuelan news

(VIDEO) Impresionante video muestra cómo se vive el huracán Milton desde dentro

Apporea noticias - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 17:13
La tripulación a bordo de un avión caza huracanes de la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA, por sus siglas en inglés) compartió este martes el video de una severa turbulencia mientras la aeronave entra en el ojo del huracán Milton para recabar información sobre él. ...
Categories: Venezuelan news

(VIDEO) William Castillo: Directiva fraudulenta de Citgo intenta normalizar robo y saqueo de filial petrolera

Apporea noticias - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 17:02
El viceministro de Políticas Antibloqueo venezolano, William Castillo, denunció que la actual directiva fraudulenta de la filial petrolera de Venezuela en Estados Unidos (EEUU) Citgo, pretenda normalizar su robo y saqueo, asimismo desmintió que esta pueda disponer de los recursos confiscados d...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Russia’s Planned Idle Refining Capacity Raised by 67% for October

Oil news - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 17:00
Russia has raised the refining capacity volumes it expects to be idle this month by 67% compared to an earlier plan, due to scheduled maintenance at major refineries, Reuters estimates showed on Wednesday. In October, Russia expects to have 4.0 million metric tons of refining capacity offline, per Reuters’s calculations based on figures provided by industry sources. While that’s lower than the idle capacity in September, at 4.5 million tons, it is still higher than previously planned. Previously postponed maintenance at Rosneft’s…
Categories: Oil news

Venezuela y Arabia Saudita fortalecen lazos económicos bilaterales

Apporea noticias - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 16:54
El ministro para Relaciones Exteriores, Yván Gil, anunció a través de su canal de Telegram que sostuvo un productivo encuentro con el embajador del Reino de Arabia Saudita en Venezuela, Abdullah Muhammad Al Saihani. En el encuentro, se discutió sobre la cooperación entre ambos países en el ámb...
Categories: Venezuelan news

(VIDEOS) EEUU: "Si se quedan, van a morir": la emergencia en Florida ante la llegada del peligroso huracán Milton

Apporea noticias - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 16:26
"Puedo decir sin dramatizar en absoluto: si deciden quedarse en una de esas zonas de evacuación, van a morir". La alcaldesa de Tampa, Jane Castor, hizo este dramático llamado a los habitantes de la ciudad de la costa oeste de Florida en la que se espera que impacte el peli...
Categories: Venezuelan news

India’s Coal Power Output Falls for Consecutive Months for First Time Since 2020

Oil news - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 16:00
Heavy monsoon rainfall has lowered India’s power demand growth in the past two months and led to the first time since the pandemic when coal-fired power generation fell year-over-year in two consecutive months. Electricity demand typically moderates during the monsoon season in India which is between June and September. This year, the excessive rainfalls also helped hydropower generation, further lowering demand for coal-fired electricity. The power generated from India’s coal plants declined by 5.8% in September versus a year earlier,…
Categories: Oil news

India’s Coal Power Output Falls for Consecutive Months for First Time Since 2020

Oil news - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 16:00
Heavy monsoon rainfall has lowered India’s power demand growth in the past two months and led to the first time since the pandemic when coal-fired power generation fell year-over-year in two consecutive months. Electricity demand typically moderates during the monsoon season in India which is between June and September. This year, the excessive rainfalls also helped hydropower generation, further lowering demand for coal-fired electricity. The power generated from India’s coal plants declined by 5.8% in September versus a year earlier,…
Categories: Oil news

INAMEH pronostica cielo parcialmente nublado en gran parte del territorio nacional

Apporea noticias - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 15:28
El Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (Inameh), en su reporte matutino, pronostica que para este jueves prevalecerá cielo parcialmente nublado en gran parte del país.  
Categories: Venezuelan news

(VIDEO) Presidente Maduro sostuvo una reunión con el secretario general de la OPEP

Apporea noticias - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 15:07
Este martes, el presidente Nicolás Maduro, se reunió con el Secretario General de la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP), Haitham al-Ghais, en la Casona Cultural Aquiles Nazoa. “¡Querido amigo, qué alegría verte!”, expresó el jefe de Estado al da...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Rollout of Charging Points in the U.S. Is Far Slower Than Surging EV Sales

Oil news - Wed, 10/09/2024 - 15:00
While electric vehicle registrations in the United States have surged by 142% since the beginning of 2023, the pace at which public charging point installations are growing has been just 22%, risking undermining the current momentum of EV sales in America. As of September 2024, registrations of electric vehicles in the United States hit 3.5 million units, per data from the Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) cited by Reuters’s columnist Gavin Maguire. That’s a surge of 142% since the beginning of 2023. But the number of public EV charging…
Categories: Oil news
