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Presidente Gustavo Petro arriba a Venezuela

Apporea noticias - Wed, 04/10/2024 - 00:50
9 de abril de 2024.- El mandatario de la República de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, arribó a Venezuela este martes 9 de abril, en visita oficial, para reunirse con el presidente Constitucional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, en agenda de trabajo para el afianzamiento de l...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Efemérides del 9 de Abril: Revolución de 1952 en Bolivia – Cae Bagdad en la invasión a Irak, 2003

Apporea noticias - Wed, 04/10/2024 - 00:16
Es 9 de abril del año 2024. Es el día número 100 del año. Por ser un año bisiesto, faltan 266 días para su terminación, pues tiene 366 días. Hoy es martes. Los años bisiestos se presentan cada cuatro años en los que se añade un día más a ...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Colombia: sequía en Bogotá impone racionamiento de agua por primera vez en décadas

Apporea noticias - Wed, 04/10/2024 - 00:06
9 de abril de 2024.- La sequía ha dejado a la vista buena parte del embalse San Rafael, parte del sistema que abastece de agua a Bogotá, donde es posible caminar por sus bordes de tierra agrietada. Con capacidad para 67 millones de metros cúbicos, llegaba el lunes a los 12.5 millones, su mínimo hist...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Latin American Geothermal Investments Set to Surge

Oil news - Wed, 04/10/2024 - 00:00
Latin America boasts abundant geothermal energy resources, offering a promising avenue for clean energy production, decarbonization of industrial processes and bolstering energy security. Despite these favorable conditions, only a fraction of its potential has been harnessed, with a mere 2 gigawatts electrical (GWe) currently utilized out of a total potential of 33 GWe. The bulk of this utilization comes from Mexico, Costa Rica and El Salvador, which collectively account for about 75% of the existing capacity. Rystad Energy forecasts show geothermal…
Categories: Oil news

U.S. Crude Oil Inventories Surge Fanning The Flames of Price Volatility

Oil news - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 23:46
Crude oil inventories in the United States rose this week by 3.034 million barrels for the week ending April 5, according to The American Petroleum Institute (API). Analysts had expected an inventory build of 2.415 million barrels. This comes after the API reported a 2.286 million barrel dip in crude inventories in the week prior. On Tuesday, the Department of Energy (DoE) reported that crude oil inventories in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) rose by another 0.6 million barrels as of April 5. Inventories are now at 364.2 million barrels—the…
Categories: Oil news

Un total de 16 personas detenidas por recientes incendios en Distrito Capital y Miranda

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 23:39
9 de abril de 2024.- El viceministro para la Gestión de Riesgo y Protección Civil, MG. Carlos Pérez Ampueda, indicó que se practicó la detención de 16 personas, presuntamente inmersas en los recientes incendios forestales que se registraron en el Distrito Capital y en el estado Miranda. “Ya tenem...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Producción de vehículos en Venezuela creció 20% en primer trimestre de 2024

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 23:32
La Cámara Automotriz (Cavenez) de Venezuela informó que una docena de vehículos -todos camiones- se produjeron durante el primer trimestre del año, lo que representa un crecimiento del 20% en comparación con el mismo período de 2023, cuando fueron 10 unidades. Según las cifras difun...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Falleció Hugo de Los Reyes Chávez: Padre del Comandante Hugo Chávez

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 23:26
La tarde de este martes, 9 de abril, falleció Hugo de Los Reyes Chávez, padre del Comandante Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías y exgobernador del estado Barinas. Así lo confirmaron los medios esta tarde, destacando que el político falleció en su natal estado barinés, a los 91 años de edad.
Categories: Venezuelan news

Ukraine's War Effort May Get Boost from Frozen Russian Assets

Oil news - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 23:00
The European Union is inching closer to a historic decision on using profits from Russian assets frozen by the bloc to help Ukraine. The Russian central bank's assets were frozen shortly after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and have remained so ever since. The securities and cash frozen in the G7, the EU, and Australia are estimated to be worth roughly 260 billion euros ($282 billion). Assets worth an estimated 210 billion euros are in the EU, mostly in Belgium, the home of Euroclear, a user-owned financial services company…
Categories: Oil news

(VIDEO) Ministerio Público anuncia detención del exministro de Petróleo y expresidente de Pdvsa Tareck El Aissami

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 22:28
El fiscal general, Tarek William Saab, informó este martes la detención del exministro de Petróleo y expresidente de Pdvsa, Tareck El Aissami, junto a el exministro de Economía y Finanzas, Simón Alejandro Zerpa y el empresario, Samark López. Todos ellos vinculados a la trama d...
Categories: Venezuelan news

What Does Neom’s Downsize Means for Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030?

Oil news - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 22:00
The scaling back of the megacity project is attributed to budget constraints, with the Public Investment Fund's cash reserves dropping to $15bn in September 2023.Saudi Arabia has scaled back some of its ambitions for its desert megacity Neom, according to a report by Bloomberg. The $1.5 trillion megacity project, which organizers claim will be 33 times the size of New York City, is due to include a 170km straight-line city. When launching The Line in 2021, the Saudi government had announced that 1.5 million people would be living in the city by…
Categories: Oil news

Liberty Steel Unveils Ambitious Expansion Plans

Oil news - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 21:00
Via Metal Miner Liberty Steel recently announced a restructuring plan for its operations in the United Kingdom after signing a new framework agreement with creditors. Among other things, the ambitious plan includes hiking crude steel manufacturing capacity at its Rotherham plant. The London-based company noted that the plan would see Liberty consolidate all its operations in the UK into one organization under a new entity and corporate structure. “It is proposed that the existing companies will transfer their assets and employees to the new…
Categories: Oil news

Iran Said It Could Close Major Oil Shipping Route—But Will It?

Oil news - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 20:30
Iran could close the major oil shipping route known as the Strait of Hormuz if necessary, the commander of Iran's Revolution Guard's navy said on Tuesday. But for now, it will keep it open, he added. The warning came following Israel's presence in the United Arab Emirates, which Alirez Tangsiri says he sees as a threat, and Israel's airstrikes on Iran's consulate in Syria earlier this month. "We do not get hit without striking back, but we are also not hasty in our retaliation," Tangsiri said. Iran's historical relationship with the strategic waterway,…
Categories: Oil news

Iran Said It Could Close Major Oil Shipping Route—But Will It?

Oil news - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 20:30
Iran could close the major oil shipping route known as the Strait of Hormuz if necessary, the commander of Iran's Revolution Guard's navy said on Tuesday. But for now, it will keep it open, he added. The warning came following Israel's presence in the United Arab Emirates, which Alirez Tangsiri says he sees as a threat, and Israel's airstrikes on Iran's consulate in Syria earlier this month. "We do not get hit without striking back, but we are also not hasty in our retaliation," Tangsiri said. Iran's historical relationship with the strategic waterway,…
Categories: Oil news

Armenia's Shift West Draws Ire from Moscow and Baku

Oil news - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 20:00
The European Union and United States are incentivizing Armenia to maintain its westward geopolitical shift. The growing EU-US role in supporting the country’s reform efforts is drawing a predictably hostile reaction from Russia and Azerbaijan. A meeting April 5 in Brussels involving Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, European Commission President Ursula von Der Leyen, EU Vice President Josep Borrell and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken yielded a significant assistance windfall for Armenia. The EU pledged 270 million euros (about…
Categories: Oil news

Colombia: ELN suspende ciclo de negociaciones y pide una "reunión extraordinaria"

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 19:41
9 de abril de 2024.- La delegación de diálogo del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) con el Gobierno de Colombia informó, a través de un comunicado difundido por la prensa, que suspendía el inicio del séptimo ciclo de conversaciones en Venezuela, pero llamaba a una "reunión extraordinaria" en Car...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Carsten Hanke: "EEUU puede arrastrar a Venezuela y América Latina a un escenario de III Guerra Mundial"

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 19:15
Caracas, 9 de abril de 2024.- El presidente de la Asociación por la Paz y Solidaridad Internacional (GeFis), con sede en Alemania, Carsten Hanke, advirtió que las medidas cohercitivas estadounidenses a Venezuela forman parte de una guerra no declarada y con estas acciones EE.UU estaría llevand...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Energy Stocks Rally Under The Radar

Oil news - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 19:00
Big Oil is trumping the Magnificent Seven on the stock market this year in an oil stocks rally that few had expected a few months ago.   Energy stocks have outperformed the top tech stocks this year as the market has grown more bullish on oil and crude prices rallied at the end of the first quarter and at the start of the second quarter. How long and how high the so-far quiet rally will go will depend on the oil price trajectory this year.   In recent weeks, analysts have started to raise earnings projections for Big Oil's performance…
Categories: Oil news

Se cumplen 66 años de la Huelga General Revolucionaria en Cuba

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 18:46
9 de abril de 2024.- Cuba conmemora hoy el aniversario 66 de la Huelga General revolucionaria, acción dirigida a paralizar la nación caribeña y desatar un movimiento de masas que derrocara la dictadura de Fulgencio Batista (1952-1958). Convocada por el Movimiento 26 de julio y protagonizada en su...
Categories: Venezuelan news

China’s Seaborne Coal Imports Rise Despite Projections of Flat Volumes

Oil news - Tue, 04/09/2024 - 18:30
China’s seaborne coal imports jumped by 17% in the first quarter compared to the same period of 2023, despite earlier expectations that overall coal imports this year would be largely flat versus last year. Imports of all varieties of coal by sea into China stood at 97.43 million metric tons between January and March 2024, an increase of 16.9% from the 83.36 million tons imported in the same quarter last year, data compiled by commodity analysts Kpler and cited by Reuters columnist Clyde Russell showed on Tuesday.   The estimated…
Categories: Oil news
