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México confirma que recibió carta de auxilio de Jorge Glas

Venezuelan news - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 22:04

El Gobierno de México recibió las cartas de auxilio del exvicepresidente de Ecuador, Jorge Glas, e insistirá a las autoridades de ese país que lo liberen de la cárcel de Guayaquil y lo entreguen para darle asilo político.


CIJ confirma fechas para audiencia de México contra Ecuador

La canciller Alicia Bárcena señaló: “Estamos acudiendo a diferentes instancias, una de ellas el Consejo de Derechos Humanos, estamos viendo lo de la Convención de Caracas, que es nuestro derecho, y nos entreguen a Jorge Glas con un salvoconducto y seguimos haciendo las gestiones".

La secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores intervino en la conferencia matutina del presidente mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador en Palacio Nacional.


¿Cómo van las cosas entre Ecuador y México? Alicia Bárcena (@aliciabarcena) confirma que ya recibió la carta del exvicepresidente de Ecuador, Jorge Glas; añade que el gobierno de México continúa haciendo las gestiones para que Ecuador lo entregue pic.twitter.com/9YLxkan9M6

— adn40 (@adn40) April 22, 2024

Glas pidió ayuda al presidente López Obrador para continuar con el asilo, pues se dice víctima de una persecución por parte del Gobierno de Daniel Noboa.

Al respecto, López Obrador comentó que, durante la reunión del pasado martes entre ministros de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac), convocada de manera extraordinaria por la presidenta de Honduras, Xiomara Castro, se trató “ampliamente” el tema de Glas.

“Ahí precisamente Lula retoma una propuesta del presidente de Bolivia, Luis Arce, para cuidar la salud de el exvicepresidente de Ecuador y se plantea el regreso al estado anterior a la toma de nuestra Embajada, es decir, que se le regrese a nuestra Embajada o se le dé el nuevo conducto para regresar o venir a México o a cualquier otro país”, explicó.

Barcena sostuvo: "Estamos preocupados por su estado de salud y hemos pedido, incluso a través de terceras embajadas en Ecuador, que se han ofrecido en apoyar, ver y visitar a Glas e interceder ante la autoridad para que nos lo entreguen”.

Ukraine Looks to Turn the Tide Against Russia with Fresh U.S. Aid

Oil news - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 22:00
The impending $60 billion aid package for Ukrainian in the United States is not coming a moment too soon. The situation on the front has been so dire for Ukrainian forces in recent weeks that CIA Director William Burns warned that Kyiv could lose the war against Russia by the end of the year if substantial aid was not forthcoming. Over the past few months, as politicians in the U.S. Congress have wrangled over the aid allocation, Russian forces have been attacking at a handful of spots along the 1,000-kilometer front running through eastern and…
Categories: Oil news

(VIDEOS) Manifestaciones universitarias desafían al Gobierno de Milei en Argentina

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 21:39
23 de abril de 2024.- Decenas de miles de argentinos iniciaron este martes una nueva jornada de protestas contra el Gobierno de Javier Milei y en defensa de la universidad pública y gratuita, instituciones que se encuentran al borde del colapso debido al drástico recorte presupuestario aplicado por ...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Envían primer cargamento de aditivos a Refinería Cardón para mejorar distribución de combustible

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 21:24
23 de abril de 2024.- PDVSA Súper Octanos despachó el primer cargamento de 43.000 barriles de MTBE hacia la refinería Cardón, ubicada en el Centro de Refinación Paraguaná (CRP) del estado Falcón. En ese sentido, con el suministro de este aditivo oxigenante para mejorar el octanaje de la gasolina,...
Categories: Venezuelan news

IMF Praises UK's Digital Infrastructure for AI Readiness

Oil news - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 21:00
The UK economy is uniquely positioned to benefit from the roll out of artificial intelligence. Politicians on all sides should be championing policies that help secure these benefits as soon as possible, Chris Dorrell writes Amid a slew of warnings about slow growth and rising national debt, it was easy to miss that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had some good news for the UK economy last week. Modelling the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on both UK productivity and output, it suggested that the size of the UK economy could…
Categories: Oil news

Tras 200 días de agresión israelí en Gaza las muertes ascienden a más de 34000

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 20:43
23 de abril de 2024.- La Resistencia palestina mantiene sus enfrentamientos contra la ocupación israelí y sus fuerzas que penetran en la Franja de Gaza. Hace 200 días “Israel” mantiene su brutal agresión a la Franja de Gaza y el número de víctimas que provoca ya ascendió hasta 34 mil 183 y los he...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Emiliano Terán Mantovani: “La dimensión ambiental debe ser transversal a todas las políticas públicas”

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 20:14
23 de abril de 2024.- En Venezuela, la industria petrolera, los incendios, el extractivismo y la deforestación han venido dañando el ecosistema en varios estados y regiones del país sin una política clara y eficiente en materia ambiental, según denuncias de activistas y organizaciones de derechos am...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Why Biden is Unlikely to Enforce the New Iran Oil Sanctions

Oil news - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 20:00
Over the weekend, as part of the $95 billion package providing funding for aiding Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan which passed by a vote of 360-58 on Saturday, the US House also passed new sanctions on Iran’s oil sector set to become part of a foreign-aid package, putting the measure on track to pass the Senate within days. The legislation, as Bloomberg reports, would broaden sanctions against Iran to include foreign ports, vessels, and refineries that knowingly process or ship Iranian crude in violation of existing US sanctions. It would also…
Categories: Oil news

Invitan a la conferencia: "Los pueblos y la amenaza de la Tercera Guerra Mundial" este 25 de abril en Caracas

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 19:49
23 de abril de 2024.- La Casa de Nuestra América José Martí, adscrita a la Biblioteca Nacional y al Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Cultura, la Sociedad Para La Paz y la Solidaridad Internacional, el Comité de Solidaridad Internacional y Lucha por la Paz, la Corriente Histórica S...
Categories: Venezuelan news

(VIDEO) Así llegó el agua‚ de un color verdoso‚ a la ciudad de Caracas

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 19:46
Martes, 23 de abril de 2024.- La situación que se presentó en algunos hogares de la ciudad de Caracas, el día viernes 19 de abril, no puede calificarse sino como extraña, algo rara. Esto se debió al momento de llegar el agua y al abrir el grifo de su casa, el chorro, como nosotros le decimos, ...
Categories: Venezuelan news

China's Coal Dependence to Persist Despite Global Climate Goals

Oil news - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 19:30
Amidst global efforts to phase out coal power by 2040, China's coal consumption is unlikely to decrease significantly by that time, according to a new report by Norwegian consultancy DNV. The report indicates that China's coal usage, currently the world's largest, will experience a minor reduction in the next two years, followed by a one-third decline by 2040. Despite a surge in renewable energy generation, coal will remain a substantial part of China's energy mix, projected to constitute 25% of its peak consumption by 2050. The country's commitment…
Categories: Oil news

China's Coal Dependence to Persist Despite Global Climate Goals

Oil news - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 19:30
Amidst global efforts to phase out coal power by 2040, China's coal consumption is unlikely to decrease significantly by that time, according to a new report by Norwegian consultancy DNV. The report indicates that China's coal usage, currently the world's largest, will experience a minor reduction in the next two years, followed by a one-third decline by 2040. Despite a surge in renewable energy generation, coal will remain a substantial part of China's energy mix, projected to constitute 25% of its peak consumption by 2050. The country's commitment…
Categories: Oil news

Ministro Ceballo: Incidencia delictiva disminuyó más del 24 % en comparación al 2023

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 19:26
23 de abril de 2024.- El vicepresidente Sectorial para la Seguridad Ciudadana y la Paz (Vspscp), Remigio Ceballos, informó que la incidencia delictiva ha disminuido un 24,3 % en comparación al mismo periodo del 2023. A través de su cuenta en la red social X, el Ministerio para Relaciones Interior...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Tesla Investors Brace for Worst Financial Report in 7 Years

Oil news - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 19:00
Tesla is slated to report earnings today and, as FT notes, investors are bracing for the "worst results in 7 years" from the EV manufacturer.  Analysts predict that Tesla will post revenues of $22.3 billion for Q1, representing a year-over-year decline of 4.4%. This anticipated drop in revenue aligns with poor Q1 delivery data, where deliveries decreased by 8.5% year-over-year, marking the first annual decline in deliveries since 2020. Expectations for Tesla's 2024 full year earnings are lower than those of 2023. Current forecasts by FactSet…
Categories: Oil news

Renewables Giant NextEra Books Higher-Than-Expected Q1 Earnings

Oil news - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 18:30
NextEra Energy Inc (NYSE: NEE) reported on Tuesday an 8.3% annual increase in its adjusted earnings per share for the first quarter, which topped analyst expectations, as the world’s largest wind and solar power generator added more customers to its regulated utilities business and boosted renewables capacity. NextEra Energy posted 2024 first-quarter adjusted earnings of $1.873 billion, or $0.91 per share, up from $1.678 billion, or $0.84 per share, for the first quarter of 2023. The adjusted EPS for the first quarter of 2024 exceeded…
Categories: Oil news

Wind Overtakes Fossil Fuels as the UK’s Largest Power Generation Source

Oil news - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 18:30
The UK saw two consecutive quarters of wind power overtaking fossil fuels as the single-largest source of electricity generation for the first time, per data from think tank Ember quoted by Reuters columnist Gavin Maguire. In the first quarter of 2024, wind-generated a total of 25.3 terawatt hours (TWh) of Britain’s electricity, higher than the 23.6 TWh generated from fossil fuel sources, Ember data showed. As a result, wind power generated an average of 39.4% of the UK’s electricity between January and March 2024, versus a 36.2%…
Categories: Oil news

Renewables Giant NextEra Books Higher-Than-Expected Q1 Earnings

Oil news - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 18:30
NextEra Energy Inc (NYSE: NEE) reported on Tuesday an 8.3% annual increase in its adjusted earnings per share for the first quarter, which topped analyst expectations, as the world’s largest wind and solar power generator added more customers to its regulated utilities business and boosted renewables capacity. NextEra Energy posted 2024 first-quarter adjusted earnings of $1.873 billion, or $0.91 per share, up from $1.678 billion, or $0.84 per share, for the first quarter of 2023. The adjusted EPS for the first quarter of 2024 exceeded…
Categories: Oil news

Wind Overtakes Fossil Fuels as the UK’s Largest Power Generation Source

Oil news - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 18:30
The UK saw two consecutive quarters of wind power overtaking fossil fuels as the single-largest source of electricity generation for the first time, per data from think tank Ember quoted by Reuters columnist Gavin Maguire. In the first quarter of 2024, wind-generated a total of 25.3 terawatt hours (TWh) of Britain’s electricity, higher than the 23.6 TWh generated from fossil fuel sources, Ember data showed. As a result, wind power generated an average of 39.4% of the UK’s electricity between January and March 2024, versus a 36.2%…
Categories: Oil news

(VIDEOS) Decenas de detenciones en protestas antiisraelíes en universidades de EEUU

Apporea noticias - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 18:03
23 de abril de 2024.- La Policía acudió el lunes a las universidades de Nueva York y Yale para disolver las protestas propalestinas, informan medios locales. Los llamamientos a la violencia contra Israel llevan desembocando en arrestos y suspensiones de los estudiantes desde la semana pasada, per...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Oil Takes a Breather as Geopolitical Risk Eases

Oil news - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 18:00
WTI crude hangs above $80 per barrel as geopolitical risks have eased somewhat, but haven't disappeared altogether. Fuel Oil Is Having Its Sunshine Moment - Fuel oil has risen to prominence as the most improved oil product of late, boosted by higher demand from Asia’s power generation sector as well as limited supply of heavy crudes required to produce it. - The US’ snapback of sanctions against Venezuela and Mexico’s sudden cut to exports of heavy sour grades such as Maya have greatly limited the pool of heavier crudes…
Categories: Oil news
