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La acumulación de Bitcoin en El Salvador debe detenerse, dice el FMI

Apporea noticias - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 05:25
4 de marzo de 2025.-El Fondo Monetario Internacional publicó un nuevo Informe de País del personal relacionado con El Salvador, en el que el fondo afirma que la acumulación de bitcoins en El Salvador debe detenerse tanto mediante la compra como la minería. El país también debería liquidar el f...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Detienen al periodista de sucesos Román Camacho

Apporea noticias - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 04:35
Roman Camacho, el reconocido periodista especializado en sucesos‚ fue detenido este martes 3 de marzo por funcionarios del Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penales y Criminalísticas (Cicpc), al parecer en relación con la cobertura de un asesinato ocurrido en Petare, municipio Sucre...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Why Analysts Think Oil Prices Will Remain Subdued

Oil news - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 04:00
Oil prices will likely remain around current levels or even lower this year, analysts and economists in the monthly Reuters poll said last week. Sufficient oil supply and spare capacity within the OPEC+ group will be enough to keep prices in the low $70s per barrel, the experts said. Supply shocks would be balanced out with the 5 million barrels per day (bpd) of spare capacity that OPEC+ currently has, mostly within the Middle Eastern producers in OPEC. Major trade and geopolitical developments since last week are likely to put additional downward…
Categories: Oil news

Donald Trump llama "gobernador" a Justin Trudeau y amenaza con aumentar aún más los aranceles ante represalias de Canadá

Apporea noticias - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 03:35
En respuesta inmediata a los aranceles que el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, ordenó aplicar desde este martes a Canadá, el gobierno canadiense empezó a aplicar gravámenes del 25 % a importaciones estadounidenses (desde bourbon de Kentucky a electrodomésticos, cereales, motocicleta...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Turkish Energy Benefits from Global Upheaval

Oil news - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 03:00
Three years ago, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin floated the idea of creating a European gas hub in Turkey shortly after three leaks were discovered in Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines designed to ship natural gas to Germany. Not surprisingly, Turkey expressed a willingness to play along, "It is the first time we heard of the issue of supplying Europe through alternate routes, mentioned by President Putin in his speech. Therefore, it is too early to make an assessment. These kinds of international projects need feasibility assessments...commercial…
Categories: Oil news

La última vez que EEUU ayudó a México le robó territorio: Gerardo Fernández Noroña‚ presidente del Senado mexicano

Apporea noticias - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 02:56
El presidente del Senado, Gerardo Fernández del Noroña, recomendó al gobierno de Estados Unidos que si quiere resolver el problema del narcotráfico, comience en su país, que es el principal consumidor de drogas en el mundo. Al dar la bienvenida a México a una delegación del Parlamen...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Canadá contraataca con una venganza arancelaria mil-millonaria contra Estados Unidos

Apporea noticias - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 02:30
Canadá no se está tomando a la ligera los aranceles impuestos por Donald Trump al país. 4 de marzo de 2025.'El Primer Ministro Justin Trudeau respondió con su propia y amplia serie de contraaranceles sobre productos fabricados en Estados Unidos d...
Categories: Venezuelan news

U.S. Bondholders Bear the Burden of Sanctions Against Venezuela

Oil news - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 02:00
In an interview with The Epoch Times last Saturday, Richard Grenell, Presidential Envoy for Special Missions, said that Donald Trump is committed to doing everything in his power to make the American people stronger and more prosperous. This unwavering focus on national interest is precisely the approach the US should take with Venezuela—putting its strategic priorities above the lobbying of foreign diplomats and local interest groups. For years, the Venezuelan government has been embroiled in a cat-and-mouse game with economic sanctions…
Categories: Oil news

Comuna El Maizal cumple 16 años construyendo humanidad desde Lara

Apporea noticias - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 01:29
4 de marzo de 2025.- La comuna El Maizal, ubicada en el municipio Simón Planas en el estado Lara (Barquisimeto), arriba este 5 de marzo de 2025 a sus dieciséis años de fundada, y en el marco de su aniversario recordarán con actos culturales la emotiva siembra del Comandante Presidente, Hugo Chávez, ...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Venezuela activa Plan de Independencia Productiva Absoluta ante sanciones a Chevron

Apporea noticias - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 01:09
4 de marzo de 2025.- La vicepresidenta Ejecutiva de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez Gómez, por medio de sus redes sociales, informó que el jefe de Estado, Nicolás Maduro Moros, ordenó la activación del Plan de Independencia Productiva Absoluta, esta iniciativa surge como respu...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Italy Overturns 40-Year Nuclear Ban

Oil news - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 01:00
Last week, the Italian government adopted a law to overturn a 40-year ban on nuclear energy in a pivotal move for the future of the country’s energy landscape. Under the law, which has yet to be approved by parliament, Italy must adopt detailed decrees to revitalize the nation’s long-dormant nuclear power sector. Energy Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin anticipates that the nation’s new consolidated nuclear code will be ready by the end of 2027.  "The government has approved another important measure to ensure clean, safe,…
Categories: Oil news

Crude Oil Inventories See Larger Than Expected Drop

Oil news - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 00:53
The American Petroleum Institute (API) estimated that crude oil inventories in the United States fell by 1.455 million barrels for the week ending February 28. Analysts had expected a smaller 300,000-barrel draw. This offsets just a small part of the 12 million barrels of builds in U.S. crude oil inventories so far this year, according to Oilprice calculations of API data. Earlier this week, the Department of Energy (DoE) reported that crude oil inventories in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) stayed at 395.3 million barrels in the week ending…
Categories: Oil news

Transatlantic Tensions Create Openings for Chinese Influence

Oil news - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 00:00
After a week of runaway diplomacy around how to end the war in Ukraine that has widened rifts between the United States and other Western powers and raised new questions about the future of US assistance for Ukraine, China is looking at how it can capitalize. For Beijing, the diplomatic fissures between the United States and its European allies -- the latest of which was opened up by an Oval Office clash between US President Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenskyy -- presents new opportunities to repair its own battered…
Categories: Oil news

(VIDEO) Lorenzo Ramírez: “Todos los que participan del circo de la Casa Blanca, ganan”: el juego de Zelensky

Apporea noticias - Tue, 03/04/2025 - 23:24
Martes, 04 de marzo de 2025.- Lorenzo Ramírez, periodista especializado en el área económica aporta su análisis a la batería de información que nos ofrece Negocios T V, para tener una visión más amplia y con una perspectiva crítica de la actual situación de la negociaciones de Paz, en la guerra de ...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Iron Ore Market Volatility Sparks Global Concern

Oil news - Tue, 03/04/2025 - 23:00
Via Metal Miner Iron ore prices have seen some degree of volatility in the last fortnight or so. Experts attribute the moves to a combination of factors, the most critical being the imposition of tariffs on certain Chinese steel products, including those distributed through neighboring Vietnam. Another significant factor is changes in demand from major steel-making countries. Whatever the case, global markets seem somewhat uneasy about what the rest of 2025 might hold. Vietnam and South Korean Impose Duties on China Still reeling from the fresh…
Categories: Oil news

Petróleo en caída libre: Trump y la OPEP+ desatan la tormenta perfecta

Apporea noticias - Tue, 03/04/2025 - 22:17
Este martes, el precio del petróleo experimenta una fuerte caída. El crudo Brent (referencia más popular de esta materia prima) se deprecia más de un 2%, lo que sitúa el barril en poco más de 70 dólares, mientras que el WTI baja un 1,6%, alcanzando los 67,3 dólares. De acuerdo con B...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Tesla Sales in Europe Suffer from Political Fallout

Oil news - Tue, 03/04/2025 - 22:00
Tesla sales are collapsing in Europe as the public are put off by Elon Musk’s vocal support for Donald Trump. It’s an object lesson in how politics can come at a cost to business, says Eliot Wilson Last week it was reported that Tesla sales in Europe fell by 45 per cent in January compared to the same month in 2024, despite the market for electric vehicles being otherwise buoyant. This has led to inevitable speculation that the European public is turning away from the brand because of the high-profile and controversial involvement of…
Categories: Oil news

Enbridge Bets $2 Billion on Mainline Upgrade—Even as Tariffs Hit

Oil news - Tue, 03/04/2025 - 21:30
Canadian pipeline giant Enbridge (ENB.TO) isn’t letting Trump’s 10% energy tariff slow it down. The company just announced a $2 billion investment in its Mainline network through 2028, doubling down on the very crude oil infrastructure now facing a new round of U.S. trade barriers. For those unfamiliar, Mainline is the backbone of North American crude transport, carrying vast amounts of both light and heavy crude from Alberta to refineries across Canada and the U.S. Midwest. In fact, Enbridge moves 40% of all North American crude—so…
Categories: Oil news

Enbridge Bets $2 Billion on Mainline Upgrade—Even as Tariffs Hit

Oil news - Tue, 03/04/2025 - 21:30
Canadian pipeline giant Enbridge (ENB.TO) isn’t letting Trump’s 10% energy tariff slow it down. The company just announced a $2 billion investment in its Mainline network through 2028, doubling down on the very crude oil infrastructure now facing a new round of U.S. trade barriers. For those unfamiliar, Mainline is the backbone of North American crude transport, carrying vast amounts of both light and heavy crude from Alberta to refineries across Canada and the U.S. Midwest. In fact, Enbridge moves 40% of all North American crude—so…
Categories: Oil news

Estados Unidos formalizó revocatoria de licencia a Chevron para operar en Venezuela

Apporea noticias - Tue, 03/04/2025 - 21:02
La Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros (OFAC, por sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos, formalizó este martes 4 de marzo, la cancelación de la licencia 41, que permitía a la empresa petrolera estadounidense, Chevron operar en Venezuela. De ...
Categories: Venezuelan news
