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Alemania: miles de personas protestan en Berlín contra la extrema derecha

Apporea noticias - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 22:22
17 de febrero de 2025.- Varias decenas de miles de personas se manifestaron el domingo en Berlín para rechazar la posibilidad de que la extrema derecha gobierne, cuando el vicepresidente estadounidense acaba de lanzar un llamado muy polémico a los partidos alemanes para que no sigan condenando al os...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Trump Administration Cuts Spark Chaos at Nuclear Agency

Oil news - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 22:00
Before cutting the ranks of U. S. government employees who safeguard the nation's nuclear material and respond to nuclear accidents, it would seem wise to ask them exactly what tasks they are assigned and how they accomplish them. Apparently, that was not a consideration when the Trump administration through its U. S. Department of Government Efficiency Service (currently run by billionaire Elon Musk) began firing personnel at the National Nuclear Security Agency (NNSA). What is happening at the NNSA is a window into why merely downsizing an organization…
Categories: Oil news

U.S. Fuel Prices Surge On Refinery Maintenance And Outages

Oil news - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 21:30
U.S. gasoline prices have resumed their uptrend, with AAA reporting the national average at $3.161 per gallon of regular compared to $3.139 a week ago and $3.115 a month ago. The national average price of diesel has increased 0.8 cents and now stands at $3.632 per gallon. “The national average has inched higher, driven primarily by sharp gas price increases on the West Coast, where refinery maintenance and outages have created a ripple effect in neighboring states, pushing prices higher in many communities,” said Patrick De Haan, head…
Categories: Oil news

U.S. Fuel Prices Surge On Refinery Maintenance And Outages

Oil news - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 21:30
U.S. gasoline prices have resumed their uptrend, with AAA reporting the national average at $3.161 per gallon of regular compared to $3.139 a week ago and $3.115 a month ago. The national average price of diesel has increased 0.8 cents and now stands at $3.632 per gallon. “The national average has inched higher, driven primarily by sharp gas price increases on the West Coast, where refinery maintenance and outages have created a ripple effect in neighboring states, pushing prices higher in many communities,” said Patrick De Haan, head…
Categories: Oil news

U.S. Fuel Prices Surge On Refinery Maintenance And Outages

Oil news - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 21:30
U.S. gasoline prices have resumed their uptrend, with AAA reporting the national average at $3.161 per gallon of regular compared to $3.139 a week ago and $3.115 a month ago. The national average price of diesel has increased 0.8 cents and now stands at $3.632 per gallon. “The national average has inched higher, driven primarily by sharp gas price increases on the West Coast, where refinery maintenance and outages have created a ripple effect in neighboring states, pushing prices higher in many communities,” said Patrick De Haan, head…
Categories: Oil news

USAID confirmó que Juan Guaidó recibió $1.712 millones en el 2020

Apporea noticias - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 21:22
17 de febrero de 2025.- Estados Unidos confirmó que destinó mil 712 millones de dólares a Juan Guaidó, a través de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), justificándolo como ayuda humanitaria. En julio de 2020, Joshua Hodges, Administrador Interino para Latinoamér...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Privately Financed Nuclear Project Advances in the UK

Oil news - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 21:00
A US start-up has formally entered the running to build four micro-nuclear plants in South Wales without a dime from the taxpayer. Washington-based Last Energy on Monday announced confirmation from the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) that it had entered the nuclear site licensing process for the plans. The ONR’s notice follows seven months of engagement and is a critical milestone in the company’s bid to build the 20 MWe microreactors. Last Energy’s proposals are the first privately financed project to be admitted into site…
Categories: Oil news

Ecuador: Movimiento Revolución Ciudadana impugna actas electorales

Apporea noticias - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 20:59
17 de febrero de 2025.- El secretario ejecutivo del movimiento Revolución Ciudadana (RC), Andrés Arauz, informó que su organización impugnó los resultados electorales de 700 actas consideradas fraudulentas en las provincias de Esmeraldas y Sucumbíos. En su cuenta de X, Arauz señaló que de correg...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Fiscal Saab: proyecto de Reforma Constitucional abordará tres ejes fundamentales

Apporea noticias - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 20:55
17 de febrero de 2025.- La Comisión Nacional ampliada e incluyente para la elaboración del Proyecto de Reforma Constitucional abordará tres grandes ejes fundamentales. Así lo informó el presidente de la Comisión, Tarek William Saab, precisando que dichos ejes son: Profundizar la democracia popul...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Neymar Jr. elogia a Soteldo: "Es corto de tamaño, pero no de talento"

Apporea noticias - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 20:38
Neymar Jr. regresa de forma triunfal al Santos. En su cuarto partido tras volver al club que lo vio nacer futbolísticamente, el astro brasileño marcó su primer gol, pero la historia del tanto tuvo un factor clave: la acció magistral de Yeferson Soteldo. El extremo venezolano, una de...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Global Warming May Be Reducing Wind Speeds in Europe

Oil news - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 20:30
Global warming makes Europe’s summers less windy, which reduces wind power generation and could strain European electricity systems which are increasingly relying on renewable energy, new research suggests. The warming of the layer of the atmosphere closest to the surface and the warming of the earth’s surface are increasing the instances of the so-called “stilling” phenomenon in which wind speeds drop in the summers, according to modeling from a team of researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign cited by…
Categories: Oil news

Global Warming May Be Reducing Wind Speeds in Europe

Oil news - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 20:30
Global warming makes Europe’s summers less windy, which reduces wind power generation and could strain European electricity systems which are increasingly relying on renewable energy, new research suggests. The warming of the layer of the atmosphere closest to the surface and the warming of the earth’s surface are increasing the instances of the so-called “stilling” phenomenon in which wind speeds drop in the summers, according to modeling from a team of researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign cited by…
Categories: Oil news

Murió al caer al vacío‚ hombre que dormía en los ductos de aire del Metro La Bandera

Apporea noticias - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 20:12
Un hombre que pernoctaba dentro de los ductos de aire de la estación La Bandera del Metro de Caracas, parroquia San Pedro, murió tras caer al vacío, informó el domingo 16-Feb, el comandante del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Caracas (CBC), Pablo Palacios. Palacios informó que la víctima cayó...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Upstream Oil Investment Needs 30% Boost to Meet Demand

Oil news - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 20:00
The investment gap in green energy and weakened policy and corporate commitment to clean energy solutions could lead to global oil and gas demand remaining stronger for longer. In such a scenario, the world’s upstream investment would need to increase to deliver the additional volumes of oil and gas, according to an analysis by Wood Mackenzie. While the International Energy Agency (IEA) still very optimistically expects global oil demand to have peaked by the end of the decade, the players directly involved in supply, including oil producers…
Categories: Oil news

Caricatura de El Tano Yea

Apporea noticias - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 19:57
17 de febrero de 2025.- ...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Francia: A juicio el cirujano depredador sexual que violó y abusó de 299 pacientes, menores de edad

Apporea noticias - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 19:29
Un cirujano francés comparecerá a finales de febrero ante la justicia por violar y agredir sexualmente durante un cuarto de siglo a casi 300 pacientes, la mayoría menores de edad y cuando la mayoría de ellos estaban bajo anestesia. Los cuatro meses de juicio contra Joël Le Scouarnec...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Bolivia: Polémica oferta de empresario para capturar a Morales tensa el escenario político

Apporea noticias - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 19:04
Marcelo Claure, empresario boliviano-estadounidense, propuso ofrecer un millón de dólares a quien capture al exmandatario, aunque finalmente bajó el tono. La Justicia boliviana mantiene una orden de aprehensión contra Evo Morales, quien está custodiado por sus seguidores en el Trópico de Cocha...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Lavrov: "No sé para qué tener a Europa en la mesa de negociaciones sobre Ucrania"

Apporea noticias - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 19:01
El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, Serguéi Lavrov, cuestionó este lunes la necesidad de la participación de los países europeos en las conversaciones ruso-estadounidenses para poner fin al conflicto en Ucrania.
Categories: Venezuelan news

Drone Attack in Southern Russia Disrupts Kazakhstan’s Oil Flows

Oil news - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 19:00
A drone attack on a major pumping station of a pipeline in southern Russia on Monday disrupted crude oil flows from Kazakhstan, the operator of the pipeline said. The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) operates a pipeline that runs from the Caspian coast in northwest Kazakhstan to the Novorossiysk port on Russia’s Black Sea coast and carries 80% of Kazakh crude exports. CPC, whose largest shareholder is Russia with 24%, said today that the Kropotkinskaya pumping station of the crude oil transportation facility was subject to a drone attack.…
Categories: Oil news

Drone Attack in Southern Russia Disrupts Kazakhstan’s Oil Flows

Oil news - Mon, 02/17/2025 - 19:00
A drone attack on a major pumping station of a pipeline in southern Russia on Monday disrupted crude oil flows from Kazakhstan, the operator of the pipeline said. The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) operates a pipeline that runs from the Caspian coast in northwest Kazakhstan to the Novorossiysk port on Russia’s Black Sea coast and carries 80% of Kazakh crude exports. CPC, whose largest shareholder is Russia with 24%, said today that the Kropotkinskaya pumping station of the crude oil transportation facility was subject to a drone attack.…
Categories: Oil news
