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Brazil’s Government Divided on Nuclear Plant 40 Years Under Construction

Oil news - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 18:30
The government of Brazil is debating whether the country should complete the construction of a nuclear power plant that has been under construction for 40 years, and is divided on the issue, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing sources with knowledge of the matter. Contraction for the Angra 3 power plant, Brazil’s third nuclear facility, began in the 1980s. But works have been abandoned several times due to issues with financing and corruption probes, among others. The first nuclear concrete for the reactor was poured in 2010, but construction…
Categories: Oil news

Brazil’s Government Divided on Nuclear Plant 40 Years Under Construction

Oil news - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 18:30
The government of Brazil is debating whether the country should complete the construction of a nuclear power plant that has been under construction for 40 years, and is divided on the issue, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing sources with knowledge of the matter. Contraction for the Angra 3 power plant, Brazil’s third nuclear facility, began in the 1980s. But works have been abandoned several times due to issues with financing and corruption probes, among others. The first nuclear concrete for the reactor was poured in 2010, but construction…
Categories: Oil news

Iraq Eyes Qatari LNG Imports as It Reduces Reliance on Iran

Oil news - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 18:15
With Iraq’s hydrocarbons making waves and LNG and KRG oil hitting the headlines, the potential for a bright future in the energy sector is becoming increasingly evident. Iraq’s hydrocarbon future looks promising if Prime Minister Al Sudani’s government can implement a more functional and feasible investment strategy in the coming weeks. Given its vast hydrocarbon reserves—highly attractive in quality—and its low production costs per barrel, the country should have achieved self-sufficiency and boosted its export potential…
Categories: Oil news

Jorge Arreaza: ONGs pagadas por USAID se quedaron sin máscaras

Apporea noticias - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 18:01
“¡Se cayeron las máscaras! El imperialismo deja al desnudo sus intervenciones con objetivos políticos en el mundo a través de recursos de la USAID”, alertó este lunes el Secretario General de la Alianza Bolivariana de Nuestra América-Tratado de Comercio de los Pueblos (ALBA-T...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Econ. Alejandro Moncada: sanciones petroleras aplicadas por EE.UU a Venezuela se flexibilizarán gradualmente

Apporea noticias - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 17:45
El economista Alejandro Moncada estima que Estados Unidos flexibilizará o levantará gradualmente las sanciones aplicadas al país en el área petrolera. El también exdiputado estima que esto formará parte de las negociaciones que, a su juicio, Venezuela ya inició con Estados Unidos pa...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Diamondback Boosts Midland Basin Presence With $4-Billion Acquisition

Oil news - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 17:30
Diamondback Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: FANG) on Tuesday announced a deal to buy Double Eagle IV Midco in an acquisition valued at about $4 billion, which gives the buyer increased presence in the Midland Basin in the top-oil producing U.S. formation, the Permian. Diamondback Energy has signed a definitive purchase agreement to buy certain subsidiaries of Double Eagle IV Midco, LLC in exchange for approximately 6.9 million shares of Diamondback common stock and $3 billion of cash, the company said, confirming earlier reports of the acquisition. “Double…
Categories: Oil news

Diamondback Boosts Midland Basin Presence With $4-Billion Acquisition

Oil news - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 17:30
Diamondback Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: FANG) on Tuesday announced a deal to buy Double Eagle IV Midco in an acquisition valued at about $4 billion, which gives the buyer increased presence in the Midland Basin in the top-oil producing U.S. formation, the Permian. Diamondback Energy has signed a definitive purchase agreement to buy certain subsidiaries of Double Eagle IV Midco, LLC in exchange for approximately 6.9 million shares of Diamondback common stock and $3 billion of cash, the company said, confirming earlier reports of the acquisition. “Double…
Categories: Oil news

Diamondback Boosts Midland Basin Presence With $4-Billion Acquisition

Oil news - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 17:30
Diamondback Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: FANG) on Tuesday announced a deal to buy Double Eagle IV Midco in an acquisition valued at about $4 billion, which gives the buyer increased presence in the Midland Basin in the top-oil producing U.S. formation, the Permian. Diamondback Energy has signed a definitive purchase agreement to buy certain subsidiaries of Double Eagle IV Midco, LLC in exchange for approximately 6.9 million shares of Diamondback common stock and $3 billion of cash, the company said, confirming earlier reports of the acquisition. “Double…
Categories: Oil news

(VIDEO) Inclusión del Poder Popular es clave en Reforma Constitucional

Apporea noticias - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 17:12
El presidente de la recién designada Comisión Nacional Ampliada e Incluyente para la Elaboración del Proyecto de Reforma Constitucional, Tarek William Saab, señaló que la instancia abordará «ejes fundamentales de la democracia popular, la economía moderna y la nueva sociedad». ...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Washington subvencionó ONG en Venezuela para "fabricar una crisis de gobernabilidad"

Apporea noticias - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 16:57
La crisis de la USAID, agencia estadounidense señalada históricamente como brazo financiero de injerencia en América Latina, ha desatado un movimiento tectónico en el entramado de las ONG venezolanas que, por dos décadas, moldearon la opinión pública contra el Estado. Desde 20...
Categories: Venezuelan news

EEUU: Un hombre disparó 17 veces a dos israelíes en Miami Beach pensando que eran palestinos

Apporea noticias - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 16:50
Mordechai Brafman‚ un hombre judío de 27 años‚ de Miami Beach (EE.UU.) se enfrenta a dos cargos de asesinato en segundo grado luego de que el domingo en la noche disparara 17 veces contra dos turistas‚ a un padre y un hijo israelíes, a los que confesó haber confundido con &qu...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Vicepresidenta: Títulos históricos de Venezuela sobre el Esequibo son irrefutables e irrenunciables

Apporea noticias - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 16:36
La vicepresidenta ejecutiva de la República,
Categories: Venezuelan news

Oil Price Rise After Attack on Kazakhstan’s Key Oil Export Route

Oil news - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 16:35
Oil prices rose on Tuesday following a Monday drone attack on an oil pipeline in southern Russia, which is the key export route for two-thirds of Kazakhstan’s crude. As of 7:37 a.m. EST on Tuesday, the U.S. benchmark, WTI Crude, traded 0.72% higher at $71.26, while the international benchmark, Brent Crude, was up by 0.13% on the day. In the past few days, the market was expecting the start of the U.S.-Russia talks in Saudi Arabia on a possible end to the war in Ukraine, and oil prices were falling amid expectations that a potential deal could…
Categories: Oil news

Saudi Crude Oil Exports Dropped in December From 7-Month High

Oil news - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 16:30
Saudi Arabia’s crude oil exports fell in December by 60,000 barrels per day (bpd) from the seven-month high in November, the latest data from the Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI) showed on Tuesday. In November, Saudi crude oil exports jumped by 281,000 bpd to 6.21 million bpd—a seven-month high, according to the JODI database which compiles self-reported figures from individual countries. This followed a 174,000 bpd jump in October crude oil exports compared to September. But in the last month of 2024, the world’s top…
Categories: Oil news

Plan Vuelta a la Patria retornó a más de 914 mil venezolanos

Apporea noticias - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 16:16
El Plan Vuelta a la Patria facilitó el retorno de más de 914 mil venezolanos que se encontraban en el exterior, según contabilizó el secretario general del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello; esto en respuesta al anuncio del Gobierno de Panamá, el cual informó que s...
Categories: Venezuelan news

De qué se trata el Criptogate: la estafa masiva promovida por Javier Milei

Apporea noticias - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 16:08
El presidente de Argentina, Javier Milei, impulsó en redes la ‘moneda digital’ $LIBRA y, horas después, se desligó de la estafa por la cual miles de inversores perdieron millones de dólares. Mientras la criptomoneda se desplomaba, unos pocos se hicieron millonarios. Pedidos de juic...
Categories: Venezuelan news

INAMEH pronostica nubosidad parcial y áreas despejadas en gran parte del territorio nacional

Apporea noticias - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 15:19
El Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (Inameh) informó que para este martes 18 de febrero de 2025, en horas de la mañana, se prevé nubosidad parcial y áreas despejadas en la mayor parte del territorio nacional.  
Categories: Venezuelan news

(VIDEO) Presidente Maduro: Organismos de seguridad siguen desmantelando núcleos de conspiración fascista en Venezuela

Apporea noticias - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 15:07
Este lunes, el presidente Nicolás Maduro, aseguró que se han "desmantelado" núcleos de "conspiración", gracias a las labores de los organismos de seguridad, esto luego de los reciente arrestos a los implicados en la "Operación Oro". En ese sentido, en m...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Gaceta Oficial 42.060 lunes 03 de febrero 2025

Apporea noticias - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 14:34
2025-02-03 Gaceta Oficial 43060 SUMARIO MINISTERIO DEL PODER POPULAR PARA LA DEFENSA Resolución que nombra a la ciudadana y ciudadanos Profesionales Militares que en ella se mencionan, para ocupar los cargos que en ella se señalan, de la Junta Directiva d...
Categories: Venezuelan news

China apoya diálogo EEUU-Rusia pero defiende que Europa sea parte del proceso de paz

Apporea noticias - Tue, 02/18/2025 - 14:18
18-02-25.-El representante permanente de China ante la ONU, Fu Cong, aseguró el lunes que su país acoge con satisfacción el acuerdo entre EE.UU. y Rusia para iniciar conversaciones de paz sobre Ucrania, aunque consideró «imperativo» que Europa forme parte del proceso, ya que el conflicto «se ha desa...
Categories: Venezuelan news
