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Oil Prices Sink in Run-Up to OPEC Meet

Oil news - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 20:00
Oil prices slumped on Friday, with Brent crude falling 1.57% in afternoon trading as the oil demand outlook out of China continues to weigh on market sentiment. Oil prices are set to finish out a loss for the week, a weak starting point for OPEC as they prepare for their Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee meeting scheduled for August 1. China’s refinery utilization has sagged this month, down 3.5% from this same time last year, and its crude oil imports have also been done 325,000 year over year through June. This disappointing crude…
Categories: Oil news

Cuba celebra el 71 aniversario del asalto a los cuarteles Moncada y Carlos Manuel de Céspedes

Apporea noticias - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:48
26 de julio de 2024.- Estas acciones revolucionarias despertaron la conciencia popular que llevó a la victoria definitiva el 1 de enero de 1959. Miles de cubanos celebran este viernes en la ciudad de Sancti Spíritus, al centro del país caribeño, el 71° aniversario del asalto a los cuarteles Monca...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Europeos son los mayores bebedores de alcohol del mundo, afirma OMS

Apporea noticias - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:20
26 de julio de 2024.- Los adultos europeos consumen un promedio de 9,2 litros de alcohol puro al año, lo que los convierte en los mayores bebedores del mundo, comunicó hoy la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Según un nuevo informe de OMS/Europa, que abarca a los países europeos y centroasi...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Canada Set To Delay Trans Mountain Pipeline Sale After 2025 Election

Oil news - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:00
  Canada’s federal government plans to postpone the sale of the state-owned Trans Mountain oil pipeline for after the 2025 general election amid politics, regulations, and slow progress in talks with indigenous groups, Bloomberg reported on Friday, quoting officials with knowledge of the discussions within the cabinet.   The Federal Government of Canada bought the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion (TMX) from Kinder Morgan back in 2018, together with related pipeline and terminal assets. That cost the…
Categories: Oil news

(VIDEO) Venezuela recibe más de 190 vuelos internacionales a la semana según ALAV

Apporea noticias - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 18:34
Durante una reciente entrevista, la presidenta ejecutiva de la Asociación de Líneas Aéreas de Venezuela (ALAV), Marisela de Loaiza, informó sobre el aumento creciente de la conectividad aérea del país, y subrayó que se han registrado 192 vuelos internacionales semanales hacia 21 destinos, una ...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Presidente Maduro anuncia dotación de aulas virtuales con inteligencia artificial

Apporea noticias - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 18:01
El presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro, anunció este jueves la llegada al país de las primeras aulas virtuales, que contarán con inteligencia artificial, para robustecer la infraestructura educativa del país con tecnología avanzada. “La infraestructura educativa y de fo...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Estiman que en el último semestre del año podrían llegar al país marcas farmacéuticas reconocidas

Apporea noticias - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 17:51
El presidente de la Cámara de la Industria Farmacéutica de Venezuela (Cifar), Tito López, precisó que el 28 de julio de 2024, día de las elecciones presidenciales en el país, el sector trabajará de manera normal. En ese sentido, acotó que ha habido una recuperación del 43% en los pr...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Volatility Dominates Oil Markets Amid Mixed Signals

Oil news - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 17:33
It's been a volatile week in oil markets as concerns over Chinese demand pressured prices despite a decline in U.S. crude inventories and wildfires in Canada.Friday, July 26th, 2024A rollercoaster of the week has left most market watchers guessing as to what might be coming up next for oil. Canada’s wildfires, continuously decreasing US oil stocks, and GDP figures in the States coming in well above expectations should have lifted sentiment, but the signals went mostly unnoticed amidst a widespread tech stock selloff and a commodity-wide…
Categories: Oil news

Technology and EVs Send China’s Power Demand Surging

Oil news - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 17:20
Chinese electricity consumption in the data services industry and for charging and battery services soared in the first half of 2024, driven by technology and electric vehicles, data from the China Electricity Council has shown. Power consumption in data centers, big data, and cloud computing jumped by 33% between January and June compared to the same period of 2023, according to the data cited by China Daily. China’s electricity consumption for charging and battery swapping services surged by 63.7% in the same period, Jiang Debin, deputy…
Categories: Oil news

(VIDEO) Roger Waters llama a María Corina Machado serpiente en la hierba y títere a Edmundo

Apporea noticias - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 17:15
El exmiembro de la banda Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, catalogó a María Corina Machado de "serpiente en la hierba" y a Edmundo González como "títere", puesto que ambos representan los intereses de Estados Unidos y no los del pueblo venezolano. El también cantante y c...
Categories: Venezuelan news

INAMEH prevé cielo parcialmente nublado en gran parte del territorio nacional

Apporea noticias - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 16:51
El Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (Inameh) pronostica cielo parcialmente nublado y zonas despejadas en gran parte del territorio nacional; sin embargo, se observa nubosidad generadores de lluvias o chubascos al sur de Guayana Esequiba, Bolívar, norte de Amazonas, este de Falcó...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Provincia argentina aprueba su propia constitución en contra del gobierno de Milei

Apporea noticias - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 16:41
Mientras que el presidente argentino, Javier Milei, implementa lo que él mismo denomina como "el mayor ajuste fiscal de la historia de la Humanidad" y hasta crea un Ministerio de Desregulación y Transformación del Estado, una provincia argentina llamada La Rioja, aprobó una nueva Con...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Mexico Set to Import More Fuel as Mega Refinery Startup Is Delayed

Oil news - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 16:25
Mexico is scouring the U.S. and Asian fuel markets for more imports of gasoline and diesel in 2024 and 2025 as the country’s newest refinery is struggling to start up, several traders have told Reuters. The Olmeca refinery, also known as Dos Bocas, is a flagship project of outgoing Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who sought to reduce Mexico’s dependence on fuel imports from the United States. The 340,000 barrels per day (bpd) refinery, however, has seen multiple delays and budget overruns and is…
Categories: Oil news

Mexico Set to Import More Fuel as Mega Refinery Startup Is Delayed

Oil news - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 16:25
Mexico is scouring the U.S. and Asian fuel markets for more imports of gasoline and diesel in 2024 and 2025 as the country’s newest refinery is struggling to start up, several traders have told Reuters. The Olmeca refinery, also known as Dos Bocas, is a flagship project of outgoing Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who sought to reduce Mexico’s dependence on fuel imports from the United States. The 340,000 barrels per day (bpd) refinery, however, has seen multiple delays and budget overruns and is…
Categories: Oil news

Padrino López afina detalles de la Operación República

Apporea noticias - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 15:31
El ministro para la Defensa, G/J Vladimir Padrino López, sostuvo una reunión con los oficiales de las FANB con la finalidad de afinar los detalles de la Operación República. En su cuenta X, el también vicepresidente Sectorial de Soberanía, Seguridad y Paz, y posteó un vídeo en donde...
Categories: Venezuelan news

New Local Market Keeps Chinese Imports of Iranian Crude High

Oil news - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 15:15
Even as independent Chinese refiners have reduced the intake of Iranian crude amid low refining margins, China has continued to import near-record levels of Iranian oil this year as a new demand center emerged in the northeast of the country, Reuters reported on Friday, quoting trading sources and tanker-tracking firms. The port city of Dalian, which has 6% of China's crude processing capacity, has seen only sporadic shipments of oil from Iran in the past few years, oil flow tracking firms Vortexa and Kpler have told Reuters. But Dalian has recently…
Categories: Oil news

New Local Market Keeps Chinese Imports of Iranian Crude High

Oil news - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 15:15
Even as independent Chinese refiners have reduced the intake of Iranian crude amid low refining margins, China has continued to import near-record levels of Iranian oil this year as a new demand center emerged in the northeast of the country, Reuters reported on Friday, quoting trading sources and tanker-tracking firms. The port city of Dalian, which has 6% of China's crude processing capacity, has seen only sporadic shipments of oil from Iran in the past few years, oil flow tracking firms Vortexa and Kpler have told Reuters. But Dalian has recently…
Categories: Oil news

Goldman Sachs: Next President Will Have Limited Tools to Raise U.S. Oil Supply

Oil news - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 15:13
The next U.S. president will have a very limited set of tools to materially boost oil supply in the United States, according to investment bank Goldman Sachs. Whoever wins the presidential election in November will have to contend with low stocks in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Moreover, any regulatory easing on the U.S. oil industry – expected if Donald Trump wins – would only have an impact on the longer-term U.S. crude oil production, not on immediate supply, analysts at Goldman Sachs wrote in a note carried by Reuters.…
Categories: Oil news

(VIDEOS) Maduro cierra su campaña en Caracas exhortando a la unidad y recordando el legado de Chávez

Apporea noticias - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 15:12
Tras una movilización que abarcó 10 de las principales avenidas de Caracas, capital del país, el presidente venezolano y candidato a la reelección, Nicolás Maduro, cerró su campaña electoral con un llamado a la unidad entre distintos sectores de la población que, en su decir, se han constituid...
Categories: Venezuelan news

A Volatile Week for Oil Prices

Oil news - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 15:00
Oil Market Rollercoaster: A Week of Twists and Turns The crude oil market experienced a turbulent week, with prices oscillating as traders weighed economic data, global events, and supply-demand shifts. The week began cautiously, saw a mid-week upturn, and then faced renewed pressure as various factors came into play. Despite the volatility, a key development emerged: traders demonstrated respect for technical support levels, particularly as positive U.S. economic news surfaced. This interplay of technical and fundamental factors allowed light…
Categories: Oil news
