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Valero Energy Sees Q2 Net Income Cut in Half

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 21:30
Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE: VLO) announced its financial results for the second quarter of 2024, revealing a notable decrease in net income. The company reported net income attributable to Valero stockholders of $880 million, or $2.71 per share, down significantly from $1.9 billion, or $5.40 per share, in the same period last year. In the refining sector, Valero saw a decline in operating income to $1.2 billion from $2.4 billion in Q2 2023. Despite this, the company highlighted robust performance in its U.S. wholesale system, with sales surpassing…
Categories: Oil news

Continúan protestas en República Dominicana en defensa de derechos de la mujer

Apporea noticias - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 21:05
25 de julio de 2024.- Exigen la no criminalización del aborto, la presencia de más mujeres en la política y que se imponga la responsabilidad penal a iglesias que asuman discursos discriminatorios. Decenas de personas protestaron este miércoles en las inmediaciones del Palacio Nacional, en Repúbl...
Categories: Venezuelan news

China Begins Work on Massive Afghan Copper Mine

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 21:00
Chinese engineers and the Taliban government officially started work on a massive project in Afghanistan to mine the world's second-largest deposit of copper. At the July 24 event at Mes Aynak, some 40 kilometers southeast of the capital, Kabul, Taliban officials along with Chinese businessmen and diplomats carried out a ribbon-cutting ceremony as work began on the construction of a road to the mining site. A $3 billion deal signed in 2008 gave the Chinese state-owned China Metallurgical Group Corporation (MCC) a 30-year mining concession, but…
Categories: Oil news

Efemérides del 25 de Julio: Fundación de Caracas - Día Internacional de la Mujer Afrodescendiente

Apporea noticias - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 20:47
Es 25 de Julio del año 2024. Es el día número 207 del año. Por ser un año bisiesto, faltan 159 días para su terminación, pues tiene 366 días. Hoy es jueves. Los años bisiestos se presentan cada cuatro años en los que se añade un día más a febrero (29 F) y ...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Etiopía: más de 250 muertos por deslizamiento de tierra

Apporea noticias - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 20:31
25 de julio de 2024.- El balance de muertos por un devastador deslizamiento de tierra en el sur de Etiopía subió a 257, indicó la ONU y advirtió que la cifra podría llegar a 500. El desastre ocurrió tras unas lluvias intensas en un pequeño poblado entre las montañas del estado de Etiopía del Sur....
Categories: Venezuelan news

Funvisis registra sismo de magnitud 4.9 en el Zulia

Apporea noticias - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 20:06
25 de julio de 2024.- La mañana de este jueves 25-Jul, se registró un sismo de magnitud 4.9 con epicentro a 35 km al sureste de la ciudad de Bachaquero, en el estado Zulia. Posteriormente, el Centro Sismológico Europeo-Mediterráneo (EMSC) emitió un segundo informe, que lo catalogó como un terremo...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Grid-Enhancing Technologies: The Answer to Growing Power Needs?

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 20:00
Authored by Andrew Phillips via RealClearEnergy, The rise of AI data centers, growing electrification, and industrial growth is heralding a new era of U.S. power consumption. As our country advances, so too must our power grid. Building new transmission lines can take a significant amount of time and investment. With America’s growing power appetite not slowing down and an increasing need for renewables to meet net-zero targets, interim steps can be taken to ensure continued reliable, affordable electricity to keep pace with our growing economy.…
Categories: Oil news

Europe’s Power Prices Could Rise as France Curbs Electricity Exports

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 19:30
France, the biggest net electricity exporter in Europe, plans to limit power exports to neighboring countries, which could lead to higher prices in other European power markets such as Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, and Germany. France, which derives about 70% of its electricity from nuclear energy, returned last year to the top spot of Europe’s net power exporters, as its nuclear fleet returned from maintenance and domestic demand was lower, analysts at Montel EnAppSys said early this year. The Montel EnAppSys analysis published…
Categories: Oil news

Naciones Unidas lanzará llamado a la acción sobre el calor extremo

Apporea noticias - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 19:19
25 de julio de 2024.- La ONU lanzará hoy su llamado a la acción sobre el calor extremo, un plan que insta a fortalecer la acción global mientras los termómetros del planeta marcan una racha de récords de temperatura. El plan, presentado por el titular del organismo, António Guterres, advierte la...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Rystad: OPEC's Oil Reserves are Much Lower Than Officially Reported

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 19:00
Rystad Energy’s latest research shows global recoverable oil reserves held largely steady at around 1,500 billion barrels, down some 52 billion barrels from our 2023 analysis. Of this year-over-year decrease, 30 billion barrels are due to one year of production, and 22 billion barrels are mostly due to downward adjustments of contingent resources in discoveries. The largest downward revisions are seen in Saudi Arabia, where development priorities have shifted from offshore capacity expansions to onshore infill drilling. The only country with…
Categories: Oil news

Russia Says There Isn’t Discord with OPEC+ over Oil Overproduction

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 18:30
There is no discord between Russia and OPEC+ over Moscow’s recent poor compliance with the group’s production cuts, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Thursday. The overproduction of some OPEC+ members – most notably Iraq, Kazakhstan, and Russia – has been an issue for the alliance, which has tentative plans to start easing part of the voluntary cuts in the fourth quarter of this year, market conditions permitting. “We don’t have any friction, as you put it,” Novak told reporters in Moscow…
Categories: Oil news

Russia Says There Isn’t Discord with OPEC+ over Oil Overproduction

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 18:30
There is no discord between Russia and OPEC+ over Moscow’s recent poor compliance with the group’s production cuts, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Thursday. The overproduction of some OPEC+ members – most notably Iraq, Kazakhstan, and Russia – has been an issue for the alliance, which has tentative plans to start easing part of the voluntary cuts in the fourth quarter of this year, market conditions permitting. “We don’t have any friction, as you put it,” Novak told reporters in Moscow…
Categories: Oil news

Russia Says There Isn’t Discord with OPEC+ over Oil Overproduction

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 18:30
There is no discord between Russia and OPEC+ over Moscow’s recent poor compliance with the group’s production cuts, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Thursday. The overproduction of some OPEC+ members – most notably Iraq, Kazakhstan, and Russia – has been an issue for the alliance, which has tentative plans to start easing part of the voluntary cuts in the fourth quarter of this year, market conditions permitting. “We don’t have any friction, as you put it,” Novak told reporters in Moscow…
Categories: Oil news

Estados Unidos plantea lanzar “Plan Marshall” en Latinoamérica

Apporea noticias - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 18:22
La jefa del Comando Sur de EE.UU., Laura Richardson, insta a los dirigentes del país norteamericano, a ofrecer a las naciones latinoamericanas un plan de ayuda similar al que Washington brindó a la Europa de posguerra. Sin embargo, expertos creen que su intención es justificar la presencia mil...
Categories: Venezuelan news

Centrica's Profits Decline Amid Return to Market Normalcy

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 18:00
The owner of British Gas, Centrica, has blamed “normalising” market conditions after two years of bumper results for its heavy slide in profit in the first half of this year. Centrica—the FTSE 100 constituent that owns British Gas and looks after Scottish Gas and Bord Gáis—reported a near 50 percent decline in adjusted operating profit for the six months to 30th June, from £2.1bn to £1bn. Basic earnings per share dropped from 25.8p to 12.8p, and its free cash flow fell from £1,377m to £816m.…
Categories: Oil news

Consulta popular y democracia directa: la propuesta de Nicolás Maduro para el nuevo ciclo

Apporea noticias - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 17:51
La respuesta de la Revolución Bolivariana a las acusaciones de la mediática internacional es más democracia y más participación bajo la convocatoria permanente a un pueblo organizado. Analistas de diferentes ámbitos ideológicos y geográficos han advertido de la crisis de los sistema...
Categories: Venezuelan news

U.S. Boosts Natural Gas Power as Wind Output Slumps to 33-Month Low

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 17:20
U.S. natural gas-fired power generation jumped this week amid the lowest wind power output in 33 months seen on Monday while demand for cooling is rising in the summer. On July 22, wind power output in the Lower 48 states was at its lowest level in the country since October 4, 2021, per preliminary data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) cited by Reuters. This was despite constantly rising wind power capacity installations over the past three years. The hot summer with low wind speeds has led to low wind power generation, which…
Categories: Oil news

U.S. Boosts Natural Gas Power as Wind Output Slumps to 33-Month Low

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 17:20
U.S. natural gas-fired power generation jumped this week amid the lowest wind power output in 33 months seen on Monday while demand for cooling is rising in the summer. On July 22, wind power output in the Lower 48 states was at its lowest level in the country since October 4, 2021, per preliminary data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) cited by Reuters. This was despite constantly rising wind power capacity installations over the past three years. The hot summer with low wind speeds has led to low wind power generation, which…
Categories: Oil news

U.S. Boosts Natural Gas Power as Wind Output Slumps to 33-Month Low

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 17:20
U.S. natural gas-fired power generation jumped this week amid the lowest wind power output in 33 months seen on Monday while demand for cooling is rising in the summer. On July 22, wind power output in the Lower 48 states was at its lowest level in the country since October 4, 2021, per preliminary data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) cited by Reuters. This was despite constantly rising wind power capacity installations over the past three years. The hot summer with low wind speeds has led to low wind power generation, which…
Categories: Oil news

U.S. Boosts Natural Gas Power as Wind Output Slumps to 33-Month Low

Oil news - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 17:20
U.S. natural gas-fired power generation jumped this week amid the lowest wind power output in 33 months seen on Monday while demand for cooling is rising in the summer. On July 22, wind power output in the Lower 48 states was at its lowest level in the country since October 4, 2021, per preliminary data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) cited by Reuters. This was despite constantly rising wind power capacity installations over the past three years. The hot summer with low wind speeds has led to low wind power generation, which…
Categories: Oil news
